
The 6 By 6 Strategy for Transformational Leadership


The 6 By 6 Strategy for Transformational Leadership

The 6 by 6 strategy for transformational leadership is a framework that helps leaders create a culture of excellence and growth within their organizations. It is based on the idea that transformational leadership requires six key elements that must be in place for sustainable success. These elements are:

Vision: A clear and compelling vision that inspires and motivates people to work towards a common goal.

Values: Strong and consistent values that guide decision-making and behaviour.

Empowerment: Giving people the autonomy, resources, and support they need to take ownership of their work and achieve their goals.

Development: Investing in the growth and development of individuals and teams through training, mentoring, and coaching.

Innovation: Encouraging and supporting new ideas and ways of doing things to drive continuous improvement and growth.

Recognition: Acknowledging and rewarding outstanding performance and contributions to create a culture of excellence.

The strategy also proposes that these six elements be applied in a consistent, deliberate way in a 6-step implementation process:

Assess: Identify the current state of the organization and the areas that need to be improved.

Set goals: Establish clear, measurable goals for the organization and each individual.

Communicate: Communicate the vision, values, and goals to all members of the organization.

Implement: Implement the changes necessary to achieve the goals and create a culture of excellence.

Monitor: Monitor progress and make adjustments as necessary.

Recognize: Recognize and reward outstanding performance for creating a culture of excellence.

The 6 by 6 strategy provides a structured approach to creating a culture of excellence and growth, ensuring the organization is consistently delivering on its vision and goals, by creating a vision, values, and empowering people, by investing in development, encouraging innovation and recognizing outstanding performance, it can lead to more effective teams, more engaged employees, better innovation and customer satisfaction.


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