Meaning: A person who has charge of mortars, bombs, and shells.
Synonyms: Aerial Attach Plane, Bombing Plane,
Meaning: Inflated or extravagant language, especially on unimportant subjects.
Synonyms: Balderdash, Bluster, Braggadocio, Cotton, Exaggeration, Fustian, Gasconade, Grandiloquence, Grandiosity, Magniloquence, Pad, Padded, Pomposity, Rage, Rant, Rave, Rhapsody, Rhetoric, Rodomontade, Stuff, Stuffed, Tumidity, Turgidity, Tympany, Altiloquence,
Antonyms: Plain Speaking,
Meaning: Rude.
Synonyms: Barbaric, Bearish, Cantankerous, Churlish, Cloddish, Clodhopping, Clownish, Clumsy, Coarse, Countrified, Gross, Gruff, Impolite, Inurbane, Loud, Loutish, Lowbred, Oafish, Ornery, Rough, Rude, Rustic, Swinish, Tasteless, Ugly, Uncivilized, Uncouth, Uncultured, Uneducated, Ungracious, Unpoised, Unpolished, Unrefined, Vulgar, Provincial,
Antonyms: Charming, Cultured, Delicate, Exciting, Gentle, Kind, Mannerly, Nice, Pleasant, Polished, Polite, Refined, Smooth, Sophisticated,
Meaning: To weary by tediousness or dullness.
Synonyms: Bother, Bromide, Bummer, Creep, Deadhead, Drag, Drip, Headache, Nag, Nudge, Pain, Pest, Pill, Soporific, Wimp, Yawn, Flat Tire, Pain In The Neck, Wet Blanket, Stuffed Shirt, Dull Person, Tedious Person, Tiresome Person,
Antonyms: Charmer, Exciter, Pleasure,
Meaning: The breast or the upper front of the thorax of a human being, especially of a woman.
Synonyms: Bust, Chest, Teats, Rib Cage,
Antonyms: Outside, Exteriority,
Meaning: Connected with the study or cultivation of plants.
Synonyms: Agricultural, Botanic, Floral, Horticultural, Concerning Plants,
Meaning: To study plant-life.
Meaning: The science that treats of plants.
Synonyms: Anatomy, Cytology, Dendrology, Ecology, Genetics, Horticulture, Morphology, Pathology, Physiology, Phytology, Taxonomy, Pomology, Floristics, Natural History, Phytogeography, Study Of Flora, Study Of Vegetation,
Meaning: Showing abundance.
Synonyms: Ample, Aplenty, Bounteous, Copious, Exuberant, Free, Galore, Generous, Handsome, Lavish, Liberal, Luxuriant, Magnanimous, Munificent, Plenteous, Plentiful, Plenty, Unsparing, Prolific, Crawling With, No End Of, Dime A Dozen, Stink With,
Antonyms: Insufficient, Lacking, Meager, Meagre, Scarce, Sparse, Wanting,
Meaning: To expurgate in editing (a literary composition) by omitting words or passages.
Synonyms: Edit, Expurgate, Redact,
Meaning: In cricket, the player who delivers the ball.
Synonyms: Boater, Bonnet, Bucket, Chapeau, Fedora, Headgear, Headpiece, Helmet, Lid, Millinery, Panama, Sailor, Skimmer, Sombrero, Stetson, Straw, Tam, Topper, Stove Pipe,
Meaning: To place the products or merchandise of under a ban.
Synonyms: Avoid, Bar, Blackball, Blacklist, Embargo, Exclude, Ostracize, Outlaw, Refuse, Reject, Snub, Spurn, Strike, Prohibit, Shut Out, Cut Off, Pass Up, Pass By, Proscribe, Brush Off, Ice Out,
Antonyms: Accept, Allow, Approve, Buy, Encourage, Include, Permit, Sanction, Support, Use, Want, Welcome,
Meaning: Hillside.
Meaning: A vain boaster.
Synonyms: Bigmouth, Blatherskite, Blowhard, Blusterer, Boaster, Brag, Braggadocio, Bragger, Egotist, Exhibitionist, Gasbag, Gascon, Peacock, Ranter, Raver, Strutter, Swaggerer, Swashbuckler, Trumpeter, Windbag, Hotshot, Grandstander, Swelled Head, Bag Of Wind, Big Talker,
Meaning: To wave, shake, or flourish triumphantly or defiantly, as a sword or spear.
Synonyms: Display, Disport, Exhibit, Expose, Flash, Gesture, Parade, Raise, Shake, Show, Sport, Swing, Threaten, Warn, Wield, Show Off, Trot Out, Throw Weight Around, Come On Strong,
Antonyms: Abandon, Conceal, Cover, Guard, Hide, Save, Protect, Not Show,
Meaning: An aggressive display of boldness.
Synonyms: Blowing, Bluff, Bluster, Boasting, Bombast, Braggadocio, Bragging, Bullying, Crowing, Fuming, Gasconade, Grandiosity, Guts, Pomposity, Raging, Railing, Rant, Storming, Swaggering, Swelling, Talk, Hot Air, Pretension, Fanfaronade, Fancy Talk,
Antonyms: Cowardice, Fear, Fearfulness, Modesty, Restraint,
Meaning: Well done.
Synonyms: Acclaim, Acclamation, Accolade, Applause, Appreciation, Approbation, Approval, Boost, Celebration, Cheer, Cheering, Citation, Commendation, Compliment, Cry, Devotion, Encomium, Esteem, Eulogy, Exaltation, Extolment, Flattery, Glorification, Glory, Homage, Hurrah, Hymn, Kudos, Laudation, Obeisance, Ovation, Panegyric, Plaudit, Rave, Recognition, Recommendation, Regard, Sycophancy, Thanks, Tribute, Worship, Puff, Pat On The Back, Big Hand,
Antonyms: Blame, Castigation, Censure, Condemnation, Criticism, Denunciation, Disapproval, Disregard, Disrespect, Neglect, Silence,
Meaning: A loud harsh sound, as the cry of an ass or the blast of a horn.
Synonyms: Neigh, Yell,
Meaning: To make of or ornament with brass.
Synonyms: Attach, Bind, Bond, Catch, Cement, Clasp, Cleave, Cling, Clog, Cohere, Fasten, Fix, Fuse, Glue, Hold, Hug, Jam, Join, Linger, Lodge, Paste, Persist, Remain, Snag, Solder, Stay, Unite, Weld, Hold Fast, Stick Together, Hold On, Be Bogged Down, Become Embedded, Become Immobilized, Cling Like Ivy, Freeze To, Stay Put, Stick Like Barnacle,
Antonyms: Detach, Disconnect, Disobey, Displace, Divide, Forget, Free, Go, Halt, Leave, Loose, Loosen, Open, Refuse, Release, Remove, Separate, Stop, Unfasten, Unfix, Let Go, Unstick,
Meaning: An open pan or basin for holding live coals.
Synonyms: Can, Canister, Cask, Hod, Kettle, Pail, Pot, Scuttle, Vat,
Meaning: The violation of official duty, lawful right, or a legal obligation.
Synonyms: Aperture, Break, Chasm, Chip, Cleft, Crack, Discontinuity, Fissure, Hole, Opening, Rent, Rift, Rupture, Slit, Split,
Antonyms: Agreement, Bridge, Closing, Closure, Connection, Juncture, Misfortune, Solid, Upholding,
Meaning: One who trains horses, dogs, etc.
Meaning: The buttocks.
Synonyms: Backside, Bottom, Can, Fanny, Fundament, Posterior, Rear, Rump, Seat, Tail, Tush,
Antonyms: Front,
Meaning: pl. Members of a brotherhood, gild, profession, association, or the like.
Synonyms: Kin, Relation, Relative, Twin, Blood Brother,
Antonyms: Sister,
Meaning: Shortness of duration.
Synonyms: Conciseness, Concision, Condensation, Crispness, Curtness, Economy, Ephemerality, Impermanence, Pithiness, Pointedness, Succinctness, Terseness, Transience, Transitoriness,
Antonyms: Lengthiness, Longevity, Permanence,
Meaning: Objects of curiosity or for decoration.
Meaning: The head-harness of a horse consisting of a head-stall, a bit, and the reins.
Synonyms: Check, Control, Curb, Deterrent, Hackamore, Halter, Headstall, Leash, Rein, Restraint, Trammels,
Antonyms: Encouragement, Liberation,
Meaning: A body of troops consisting of two or more regiments.
Synonyms: Army, Band, Body, Company, Contingent, Corps, Crew, Detachment, Force, Group, Organization, Outfit, Party, Posse, Squad, Team, Troop, Unit,
Antonyms: Individual, One,
Meaning: General officer who commands a brigade, ranking between a colonel and a major-general.
Meaning: One who lives by robbery and plunder.
Synonyms: Bandit, Desperado, Freebooter, Highwayman, Marauder, Outlaw, Pillager, Pirate, Robber, Soldier, Thief, Footpad,
Meaning: Sulfur.
Meaning: Water saturated with salt.
Synonyms: Alkali, Blue, Deep, Drink, Marinade, Ocean, Saline, Vinegar, Preservative, Salt Water, Brackish Water, Pickling Solution, Sea Water, Sodium Chloride Solution,
Meaning: One of the coarse, stiff hairs of swine: used in brush-making, etc.
Synonyms: Barb, Feeler, Fiber, Point, Quill, Spine, Stubble, Thorn, Vibrissa, Whisker, Prickle,
Antonyms: Be Happy,
Meaning: The United Kingdom of Great Britain.
Meaning: A word, idiom, or phrase characteristic of Great Britain or the British.
Meaning: Fragile.
Synonyms: Breakable, Crisp, Crumbling, Crumbly, Delicate, Frail, Frangible, Friable, Inelastic, Shivery, Vitreous, Weak, Shatterable,
Antonyms: Durable, Flexible, Moveable, Relaxed, Resilient, Supple, Unbreakable,
Meaning: To mention, for the first time.
Synonyms: Advance, Approach, Interject, Interpose, Introduce, Mention, Moot, Move, Offer, Submit, Suggest, Ventilate, Propose, Open Up, Bring Up, Touch On, Speak Of, Talk Of, Hint At, Raise Subject,
Antonyms: Close, Deny, Dissuade, Refuse, Stop, Withdraw, Take Back, Close Up, Not Mention,
Meaning: Disseminated far and wide.
Synonyms: Advertisement, Announcement, Newscast, Performance, Show, Simulcast, Telecast, Transmission, Program, Publication, Air Time,
Antonyms: Conceal, Hide, Keep, Receive, Secret, Suppress, Withhold, Be Quiet, Bottle Up, Keep Quiet,
Meaning: A coarse, heavy shoe.
Synonyms: Footwear, Galoshes, Oxford, Waters, Waders, Mukluk, Snow Shoes,
Meaning: Any dialectic pronunciation of English, especially that of the Irish people.
Synonyms: Accent, Argot, Articulation, Cant, Communication, Conversation, Dialect, Diction, Dictionary, Discourse, Expression, Gibberish, Idiom, Interchange, Jargon, Lexicon, Palaver, Parlance, Patois, Phraseology, Signal, Slang, Sound, Speech, Style, Talk, Terminology, Tongue, Utterance, Verbalization, Vernacular, Vocabulary, Vocalization, Voice, Word, Wording, Prose, Lingua Franca,
Antonyms: Quiet, Silence, Standard,
Meaning: The business of making sales and purchases for a commission; a broker.
Synonyms: Allowance, Ante, Bite, Bonus, Chunk, Compensation, Cut, Discount, End, Factorage, Fee, Indemnity, Juice, Pay, Payment, Percentage, Piece, Remuneration, Royalty, Salary, Slice, Stipend, Taste,
Antonyms: Increase, Whole,
Meaning: A dark reddish-brown, non-metallic liquid element with a suffocating odor.
Meaning: Inflammation of the bronchial tubes.
Meaning: . Either of the two subdivisions of the trachea conveying air into the lungs.
Meaning: An article of jewelry fastened by a hinged pin and hook on the underside.
Synonyms: Clip, Cluster, Jewelry, Breastpin, Bar Pin,
Meaning: Spiritual or social fellowship or solidarity.
Synonyms: Affiliation, Alliance, Clan, Clique, Community, Comradeship, Confederacy, Coterie, Fellowship, Fraternity, Guild, Kinship, League, Society, Union,
Antonyms: Divorce, Separation, Sisterhood,
Meaning: To overwhelm, or attempt to do so, by stern, haughty, or rude address or manner.
Synonyms: Badger, Bludgeon, Bluster, Bulldoze, Bully, Coerce, Cow, Domineer, Dragoon, Frighten, Harass, Hector, Intimidate, Oppress, Overawe, Threaten, Tyrannize, Put The Chill On, Lean On, Overbear, Despotize, Lord It Over, Put Heat On, Put Through The Wringer,
Antonyms: Aid, Assist, Boost, Coax, Compliment, Help, Praise, Leave Alone,
Meaning: Somewhat rough or rude in manner or speech.
Synonyms: Abrupt, Bluff, Blunt, Brief, Crusty, Discourteous, Gruff, Hasty, Impolite, Sharp, Short, Snappy, Snippy, Tart, Terse, Unmannerly,
Antonyms: Courteous, Kind, Polite, Tactful,
Meaning: A clown.
Synonyms: Antic, Bozo, Clown, Comedian, Comic, Droll, Fool, Harlequin, Jester, Joker, Wag, Zany,
Meaning: Low drollery, coarse jokes, etc.
Synonyms: Absurdity, Burlesque, Camp, Caricature, Comedy, Horseplay, Interlude, Joke, Mock, Mockery, Parody, Play, Ridiculousness, Sham, Skit, Slapstick, Travesty, High Camp, Broad Comedy, Low Camp, Pratfall Comedy,
Antonyms: Seriousness, Sobriety, Solemnity, Tragedy,
Meaning: Of, or pertaining to, or like a bulb.
Synonyms: Annular, Arced, Arched, Bent, Bowed, Circular, Coiled, Curled, Curved, Curvilinear, Cylindrical, Discoid, Domical, Elliptical, Globose, Globular, Orbed, Orbicular, Orbiculate, Oval, Ringed, Rotund, Rounded, Spherical, Spheroid, Spiral, Arciform,
Antonyms: Deceitful, Dishonest, Inadequate, Incomplete, Indirect, Lacking, Low, Small, Soft, Straight, Tiny, Unfinished, Weak,
Meaning: An ox.
Meaning: Any one of various tall rush-like plants growing in damp ground or water.
Meaning: Anything that gives security or defense.
Synonyms: Barrier, Bastion, Buffet, Buttress, Citadel, Defense, Embankment, Fort, Fortress, Guard, Mainstay, Outwork, Parapet, Partition, Rampart, Redoubt, Safeguard, Security, Stronghold, Protection, Vallation,
Antonyms: Harm, Hurt, Injury, Weak Point,
Meaning: A cup or glass filled to the brim, especially one to be drunk as a toast or health.
Synonyms: Bulwark, Cushion, Defense, Fender, Intermediary, Screen, Shield, Shock Absorber,
Antonyms: Few, Lacking, Little, Needing, Rare, Scarce, Wanting,
Meaning: Full of offensive and aggressive self-conceit.
Synonyms: Arrogant, Cocksure, Conceited, Forward, Loud, Obnoxious, Pushy, Full Of Oneself,
Antonyms: Humble, Modest, Uncertain,
Meaning: To execute clumsily.
Synonyms: Boggle, Botch, Butcher, Err, Flub, Fudge, Fumble, Mar, Miscalculate, Mishandle, Mismanage, Muff, Ruin, Spoil, Mess Up, Screw Up, Louse Up, Drop The Ball, Make A Mess Of, Goof Up, Ball Up,
Antonyms: Fix, Grow, Help, Manage, Succeed, Do Well,
Meaning: Power or tendency to float on or in a liquid or gas.
Meaning: Having the power or tendency to float or keep afloat.
Synonyms: Afloat, Airy, Bouncy, Floatable, Floating, Resilient, Supernatant, Unsinkable, Weightless,
Antonyms: Depressed, Down, Heavy, Weighted,
Meaning: A chest of drawers for clothing, etc.
Synonyms: Agency, Authority, Board, Commission, Committee, Department, Division, Office, Service, Setup, Shop, Store, Salt Mines, Front Office,
Meaning: Government by departments of men transacting particular branches of public business.
Synonyms: Administration, Authority, Directorate, Government, Management, Ministry, Officialdom, Officials, Red Tape, City Hall, The System, Civil Service, Beadledom, Regulatory Commission, The Establishment,
Meaning: In colonial times, a member of the lower house of the legislature of Maryland or Virginia.
Meaning: An inhabitant, citizen or freeman of a borough burgh, or corporate town.
Synonyms: Aborigine, Burgess, Civilian, Commoner, Cosmopolite, Denizen, Dweller, Householder, Inhabitant, National, Native, Occupant, Resident, Settler, Subject, Taxpayer, Urbanite, Villager, Voter, Freeman/woman, Member Of Body Politic, Member Of Community, Naturalized Person,
Antonyms: Alien, Foreigner, Immigrant,
Meaning: To make brilliant or shining.
Synonyms: Buff, Furbish, Glance, Glaze, Gloss, Luster, Rub, Sheen, Shine, Smooth, Wax, Put On A Finish,
Antonyms: Dull, Tarnish,
Meaning: To hurry.
Synonyms: Ado, Agitation, Clamor, Commotion, Do, Excitement, Flurry, Furor, Fuss, Haste, Hubbub, Hurry, Pother, Rumpus, Stir, Tumult, Turmoil, Uproar, Whirl, Whirlpool, Whirlwind,
Meaning: To strike with or as with the head, or horns.
Synonyms: Base, Bottom, Edge, Extremity, Foot, Fundament, Haft, Handle, Hilt, Shank, Stock, Stub, Stump, Tail, Tip,
Antonyms: Top,
Meaning: A conspicuous hill, low mountain, or natural turret, generally isolated.
Synonyms: Acclivity, Ascent, Bluff, Cliff, Climb, Down, Drift, Dune, Elevation, Eminence, Esker, Fell, Gradient, Headland, Heap, Height, Highland, Hillock, Hillside, Hilltop, Hummock, Inclination, Incline, Knoll, Mesa, Mound, Mount, Precipice, Range, Ridge, Rise, Shock, Slope, Stack, Summit, Talus, Tor, Upland, Protuberance, Prominence, Promontory, Rising Ground,
Antonyms: Bottom, Canyon, Decline, Depression, Ditch, Gulley, Lowness, Nadir, Unimportance,
Meaning: Any support or prop.
Synonyms: Abutment, Column, Mainstay, Pier, Reinforcement, Shore, Stanchion, Stay, Strut, Underpinning, Prop,
Antonyms: Weaken, Let Down,
Meaning: A rule or law adopted by an association, a corporation, or the like.
Synonyms: Aside, Away, Beyond, Close, Handy, Over, Past, Through, At Hand, To One Side, In Reach,
Bronze age
Meaning: the period in history between the Stone Age and the Iron Age when people used tools and weapons made of bronze
Meaning: an intelligent system that can read text, understand the meaning, store information in a structured form and make logical decisions
Sentence: a way of dressing intended to make you look more intelligent
Meaning: to confuse, annoy, or cause problems or difficulties for someone or something
Sentence: Ever since I started playing tennis, I've been bedevilled by back pains.
Synonyms: annoy, beset, bother, harass, irritate, torment, badger, bug
Antonyms: aid, assist, delight, help, make happy, please, soothe, clarify, clear up, explain
Meaning: to be unwilling to do something or to allow something to happen
Sentence: I balked at the prospect of spending four hours on a train with him.
Synonyms: flinch, hesitate, recoil, refuse, resist, turn down
Antonyms: OK, accept, face, meet
Bad hair day
Meaning: a day when you feel that you do not look attractive, especially because of your hair, and everything seems to go wrong
Sentence: I'm having a bad hair day.