

Abdomen, Abortion, Absent

10 most difficult words in English

1. Literally Meaning of literally in Urdu لفظی طور پر؛ لفظاً۔ Meaning of literally in Englishusing the real or original meaning of a word or phra...

English Smart Words

English Smart Words With Urdu Meaning Synonyms/AntonymsHere are a few English “smart words” that you might find useful:Acquiesce: to agree or com...

English Smart Words With Urdu Meaning

English Smart WordsHere are a few English “smart words” that you might find useful:Baleful: causing or threatening harm or destructionBeguile: to...

entrepreneurship meaning in Urdu

Entrepreneurship meaning in UrduIn Urdu, the word "entrepreneurship" can be translated to “کارجوئی؛ مہم جوئی۔”. It refers to the process of starting a...

What Does ISTG Mean in Text Messages?

WHAT DOES ISTG MEAN? In text messaging, ISTG stands for "I Swear To God." It is used to express strong feelings or emphasize a statement's truthf...

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. The idiomatic phrase "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" is a popular phrase used to expre...

Words You Should Know but Probably Do Not

abbessراہبات کی خانقاہ کی زنانہ سرگروہ(AB-iss)abecedarian(صفت) ابجد سے متعلق(ay-bee-see-DARE-ee-un)aboriginalقدیمی(ab-uh-RIDGE-ih-nul)absintheناگ دانہ...

Words You Should Know but Probably Do Not - 02

mountebankنیم حکیم؛ اتائی(MOUNT-uh-bank)multifariousکئی قسموں کا؛ کثیر الانواع(mul-tih-FARE-ee-uss)myopia(امراضیات) چُندھاپن(mye-OH-pee-uh)nabobنواب(N...

Nip In The Bud

Nip In The Bud ابتدائی مرحلوں میں روک دینا۔ To stop something before it can become established or before it grows too large  9/11The te...

Vocabulary Booster 06.02.2024

1. Juxtaposition- Word Form: Noun- Meaning: The act or placement of two things (usually abstract concepts, though it can be physical objects) near eac...

New School Words for 2024 Level 1 Set 01

sky •Middle English •Noun: the upper atmosphereWOW • Imitative • Interjection: expression of stror feelinghug •Scandinavian *Verb: to put one's arms a...

pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis etymology

Understanding Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis: The Longest Word in the English Language and the Lung Disease it DescribesPneumonoultrami...

mandatory meaning in urdu

Mandatory meaning in urduThe word **"mandatory"** is derived from the Latin word "mandatum," which means "command" or "order." The term "mandatum" its...

blessing in disguise meaning

Blessing in Disguise Meaning:A **"blessing in disguise"** refers to an apparent misfortune that ultimately results in something good or beneficial. It...

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