
Find Your Words In English By Alphabets:


Meaning: a short story that teaches one a moral

Sentence: Mehr enjoyed reading the fable about the princess.


Meaning: an imaginary creature with magic powers

Sentence: Mehr enjoyed the story about a kind fairy.


Meaning: the characteristics of a rock

Sentence: The term facies was introduced by a Swiss geologist in 1838.


Meaning: untrue or incorrect

Sentence: She gave false information to the insurance company.


Meaning: state of knowing something well

Sentence: The guide?s familiarity with the area was an advantage to the tourists.


Meaning: a large building where machines are used to make things

Sentence: His best friend works at the car factory.


Meaning: parents and their children

Sentence: His family lives out of town.


Meaning: a department teaching a particular subject in a university

Sentence: The faculty of music arranged a concert last week.


Meaning: a very bad shortage of food in an area

Sentence: The charity distributed food in the area affected by a famine.


Meaning: to disappear gradually

Sentence: Washing the dress will make the ink stain fade.


Meaning: very hungry

Sentence: The hikers were famished after their long walk.


Meaning: become unconscious

Sentence: She thought she would faint when she saw the mouse.


Meaning: known to very many people

Sentence: The famous actor signed autographs for his fans.


Meaning: anything that makes a person or thing imperfect

Sentence: It was his fault that we were late.


Meaning: not plain; decorated

Sentence: She wore fancy clothes to the party.


Meaning: showing approval

Sentence: There were many favourable reviews of the new book.


Meaning: imagined happening

Sentence: In his fantasy, he saw himself winning the race.


Meaning: the practice of giving special treatment to a person or group

Sentence: The umpire was accused of favouritism.


Meaning: goodbye

Sentence: I felt sad bidding farewell to my friends.


Meaning: frightening

Sentence: They have a fearsome new headmaster.


Meaning: more distant

Sentence: He lives farther from the school, than I do.


Meaning: a large, splendid meal

Sentence: The king prepared a feast for his guests.

Synonyms: barbecue, dinner, festival, festivity, fiesta, gala, picnic, repast



Meaning: attraction or interest

Sentence: Stamp collecting holds a peculiar fascination for some people.


Meaning: one of the very light coverings that grow from a birds skin

Sentence: He wore a feather in his cap.


Meaning: in keeping with the current style

Sentence: She was wearing a fashionable black hat.


Meaning: an important part

Sentence: The most important feature of a camera is its lens.


Meaning: tiredness

Sentence: Rest will help relieve your fatigue.


Meaning: to do with a system in which several states are ruled by a central government but are responsible for their own internal affairs

Sentence: The federal government decided to abolish child labour


Meaning: the union of several provinces, states, to form a federal union

Sentence: The United States of America is a federation of states


Meaning: a chemical containing iron

Sentence: Ferrite is used to make the filaments in electric bulbs.


Meaning: a man or boy

Sentence: The old fellow crossed the street.


Meaning: the act of adding substances to the soil to make it more fertile

Sentence: The fertilisation of the field improved the wheat crop.


Meaning: a time when people arrange special celebrations

Sentence: Vesak is a Buddhist festival of lights.


Meaning: a barrier made of wood or wire around an area

Sentence: A wooden fence surrounded the farm house.


Meaning: an aromatic herb of the parsley family

Sentence: Sprigs of fennel are used to garnish food.


Meaning: an abnormally high body temperature, usually with an illness

Sentence: The girl was suffering from a high fever.


Meaning: to bubble and change chemically by the action of a substance such as yeast

Sentence: Yeast will ferment if you add sugar and liquid to it.


Meaning: having an abnormally high body temperature

Sentence: The feverish boy slept all morning.


Meaning: a very rare radioactive metal

Sentence: ?Fermium is an artifically produced chemical element.?


Meaning: writings about events that have not really happened

Sentence: Akbar enjoyed reading fiction.


Meaning: fidget or play around with something

Sentence: Do not fiddle with your shoes.


Meaning: make small restless movements

Sentence: He kept fidgeting throughout the lecture.


Meaning: make a person or thing seem better than they really are

Sentence: It was not a very flattering photograph.


Meaning: angry and violent or cruel

Sentence: There was a fierce battle between the two armies.


Meaning: to show off

Sentence: He likes to flaunt his expensive cars.


Meaning: the shape of a persons body

Sentence: Too much cake will spoil your figure.


Meaning: the taste of something

Sentence: Too much salt will spoil the flavour of the food.


Meaning: a competitor in a final

Sentence: He is a finalist here for the second year running.


Meaning: a small jumping insect that sucks blood


Meaning: the use or management of money

Sentence: It is important for a businessman to be trained in finance.


Meaning: to burn or shine unsteadily

Sentence: The candle will flicker in the breeze.


Meaning: having a lot of small bubbles

Sentence: I do not like fizzy drinks.


Meaning: a lamp that makes a broad bright beam to light up a stage or stadium

Sentence: They had to cancel the match due to problems with the floodlight system.


Meaning: a bottle with a narrow neck

Sentence: The flask contained coffee.


Meaning: to move clumsily or with difficulty

Sentence: He had to flounder through the deep water.


Meaning: a fine powder of wheat or other grain, used in cooking

Sentence: She made the bread with flour and eggs.


Meaning: to grow or develop strongly

Sentence: Plants flourish if they are watered regularly.


Meaning: strong and vigorous

Sentence: He made a grand and forceful speech.


Meaning: able to flow freely


Meaning: a white mass of tiny bubbles on a liquid; froth

Sentence: I do not like cappuccino with foam on top.


Meaning: pardon

Sentence: The convict begged for forgiveness, but to no avail.


Meaning: a bird, especially one kept on a farm etc. for its eggs or meat

Sentence: A chicken is a type of fowl.


Meaning: a period of two weeks

Sentence: The parcel will probably be here in a fortnight.


Meaning: making your thoughts and feelings clear to people

Sentence: The frank boy expressed his displeasure.


Meaning: a fortified building or town

Sentence: The fortress was very strong and strategically located.


Meaning: luckily

Sentence: Fortunately, it did not rain during the picnic.


Meaning: very strange or abnormal

Sentence: Arif was killed in a freak accident.


Meaning: the number 40

Sentence: My uncle turned forty last year.


Meaning: turn into ice; make or be very cold

Sentence: To freeze water you must put it in the freezer.


Meaning: the remains of a prehistoric animal or plant that has been buried in the ground for centuries that become hardened in rock

Sentence: A fossil reveals information about a prehistoric plant or animal.


Meaning: happening often

Sentence: Mehr made frequent trips to the library.


Meaning: an ornamental structure in which a jet of water shoots up into the air

Sentence: We threw coins into the fountain for good luck.


Meaning: behaving like a friend

Sentence: Asif?s family are very friendly people.


Meaning: play about in a lively cheerful way

Sentence: The children were allowed to frolic in the park.


Meaning: tables, chairs, and other moveable things that you need in a house or school or office

Sentence: We went to buy new furniture for the house.


Meaning: the seed-container that grows on a tree or plant and is often used as food

Sentence: Fruit should be an essential part of your diet.


Meaning: angry disappointment

Sentence: Ali banged the table in frustration.


Meaning: something that is burnt to produce heat or power

Sentence: Coal is used as fuel to run train engines.


Meaning: hold or handle something clumsily

Sentence: While he was sitting alone he began to fumble with his keys.


Meaning: the ceremony when a dead person is buried

Sentence: Malik?s funeral will be on Monday.


Meaning: To invent fancifully or falsely.

Synonyms: Assemble, Brainstorm, Build, Compose, Concoct, Construct, Contrive, Create, Devise, Erect, Fashion, Form, Formulate, Frame, Invent, Join, Make, Mix, Organize, Shape, Structure, Produce, Cook Up, Dream Up, Put Together, Throw Together, Make Up, Head Trip, Turn Out, Prefab, Piece Together, Throw Up, Cobble Up, Fit Together, Knock Together,

Antonyms: Break, Demolish, Destroy, Disarrange, Divide, Neglect, Raze, Ruin, Separate, Wreck, Tell Truth,


Meaning: Incredible.

Synonyms: Aces, Astonishing, Astounding, Awesome, Best, Breathtaking, Cool, Extravagant, Fab, Fantastic, Fictitious, Greatest, Groovy, Immense, Inconceivable, Incredible, Legendary, Marvelous, Outrageous, Peachy, Phenomenal, Rad, Remarkable, Spectacular, Striking, Stupendous, Super, Superb, Terrific, Unbelievable, Unreal, Wicked, Primo, Prodigious,

Antonyms: Bad, Believable, Common, Credible, Expected, Inferior, Normal, Ordinary, Plain, Plausible, Poor, Regular, Simple, Usual,


Meaning: One of the small triangular plane surfaces of a diamond or other gem.

Synonyms: Angle, Appearance, Character, Face, Feature, Front, Hand, Level, Obverse, Part, Phase, Plane, Side, Slant, Switch, Twist,

Antonyms: Back, Rear,


Meaning: Amusing.

Synonyms: Amusing, Blithe, Capering, Clever, Comic, Comical, Droll, Dry, Fanciful, Farcical, Flip, Flippant, Frivolous, Funny, Gay, Humorous, Indecorous, Ironic, Irreverent, Jesting, Jocose, Jocular, Joking, Laughable, Ludicrous, Merry, Playful, Pleasant, Ridiculous, Salty, Sarcastic, Satirical, Smart, Sportive, Sprightly, Waggish, Whimsical, Witty, Wry, Joshing, Not Serious,

Antonyms: Formal, Grave, Serious, Unfunny,


Meaning: Pertaining to the face.

Synonyms: Advance, Anterior, Fore, Foremost, Front, Head, Leading, Ventral,

Antonyms: Back, Backward, Ending, Last, Later, Meek, Past, Reserved, Reversing, Shy, Timid,


Meaning: Not difficult to do.

Synonyms: Accomplished, Adept, Adroit, Apparent, Articulate, Breeze, Cursory, Deft, Dexterous, Effortless, Flip, Fluent, Glib, Hasty, Light, Obvious, Picnic, Practiced, Quick, Ready, Shallow, Simple, Skillful, Slick, Smooth, Superficial, Uncomplicated, Voluble, Pushover, Proficient, Untroublesome, Easy As Pie, Fast Talk,

Antonyms: Arduous, Complicated, Confusing, Difficult, Hard, Involved, Laborious, Profound,


Meaning: To make more easy.

Synonyms: Aid, Ease, Expedite, Forward, Further, Help, Simplify, Smooth, Speed, Promote, Walk Through, Speed Up, Grease The Wheels, Make Easy, Open Doors, Run Interference For,

Antonyms: Block, Cease, Check, Delay, Detain, Halt, Hinder, Hurt, Impede, Injure, Obstruct, Slow, Stop, Worsen, Prohibit, Make Difficult,


Meaning: Ease.

Synonyms: Address, Adroitness, Aptitude, Bent, Competence, Dexterity, Efficiency, Expertness, Fluency, Knack, Leaning, Lightness, Poise, Quickness, Readiness, Skill, Smoothness, Spontaneity, Tact, Turn, Wit, Propensity, Proficiency, Skillfulness, Smooth Sailing, Effortlessness,

Antonyms: Clumsiness, Difficulty, Disinclination, Hardness, Inability, Incapability, Incapacity, Incompetence, Ineptness,


Meaning: An exact copy or reproduction.

Synonyms: arbon, Clone, Copy, Copycat, Ditto, Double, Dupe, Duplicate, Likeness, Miniature, Mirror, Photocopy, Photostat, Replica, Replication, Ringer, Stat, Transcript, Twin, Xerox, Print, Mimeo, Repro, Dead Ringer, Spitting Image, Chip Off Old Block, Carbon Copy, Reduplication,

Antonyms: Original,


Meaning: A number of persons combined for a common purpose.

Synonyms: Annihilations, Band, Bloc, Bunch, Cabal, Cell, Circle, Clan, Clique, Club, Combination, Combine, Concern, Conclave, Confederacy, Conspiracy, Contingent, Coterie, Crew, Crowd, Design, Division, Entente, Gang, Junta, Knot, Lobby, Machine, Minority, Mob, Network, Outfit, Partnership, Party, Ring, Schism, Sect, Section, Sector, Set, Side, Unit, Wing,

Antonyms: Agreement, Conformity, Entirety, Individual, Peace, Total, Unity, Whole,


Meaning: Turbulent.

Synonyms: Alienated, Belligerent, Contending, Contentious, Contumacious, Disaffected, Disputatious, Dissident, Divisive, Estranged, Fighting, Hostile, Insubordinate, Insurgent, Insurrectionary, Litigious, Malcontent, Mutinous, Partisan, Quarrelsome, Rebellious, Refractory, Rival, Sectarian, Seditious, Turbulent, Tumultous/tumultuous, Troublemaking,

Antonyms: Agreeing, Cooperating, Cooperative, Peaceful, United,


Meaning: Illogical.

Synonyms: Beguiling, Deceiving, Deceptive, Deluding, Delusive, Delusory, Erroneous, Fictitious, Fishy, Fraudulent, Illogical, Illusory, Incorrect, Invalid, Irrational, Mad, Misleading, Mistaken, Off, Reasonless, Sophistic, Sophistical, Spurious, Unfounded, Ungrounded, Unreal, Unreasonable, Unreasoned, Unsound, Untrue, Way Off,

Antonyms: Correct, Real, True, Truthful,


Meaning: Any unsound or delusive mode of reasoning, or anything based on such reasoning.

Synonyms: Aberration, Ambiguity, Artifice, Bias, Casuistry, Cavil, Deceit, Deception, Deceptiveness, Delusion, Deviation, Elusion, Equivocation, Erratum, Error, Evasion, Falsehood, Faultiness, Flaw, Heresy, Illogicality, Inconsistency, Inexactness, Invalidity, Misapprehension, Miscalculation, Misinterpretation, Mistake, Notion, Paradox, Perversion, Preconception, Quibbling, Quirk, Solecism, Sophism, Sophistry, Speciousness, Subterfuge, Untruth, Prejudice, Erroneousness,

Antonyms: Accuracy, Certainty, Conformity, Correction, Directness, Evidence, Facing, Fact, Fairness, Frankness, Honesty, Meeting, Openness, Reality, Right, Sameness, Surety, Truth, Truthfulness,


Meaning: Capable of erring.


Meaning: Land broken up and left to become mellow or to rest.

Synonyms: Dormant, Idle, Inert, Neglected, Quiescent, Resting, Slack, Uncultivated, Undeveloped, Unplanted, Unproductive, Unseeded, Unused, Vacant, Virgin, Untilled, Unplowed,

Antonyms: Active, Cultivated, Developed, Used,


Meaning: To suffer extremity of hunger or thirst.

Synonyms: Abstain, Diet, Forbear, Refrain, Starve, Deny Oneself, Go Hungry, Not Eat,

Antonyms: Eat, Glut, Gorge, Indulge, Stuff,


Meaning: A religious zealot.

Synonyms: Activist, Addict, Bigot, Bug, Crank, Crazy, Demon, Devotee, Enthusiast, Extremist, Fiend, Fool, Freak, Maniac, Militant, Monomaniac, Nut, Radical, Visionary, Zealot, Ultraist,

Antonyms: Conservative, Moderate,


Meaning: One having a taste for or interest in special objects.

Synonyms: Aficionado, Buff, Bug, Devotee, Enthusiast, Fan, Lover,

Antonyms: Detractor, Enemy,


Meaning: Unimaginative.


Meaning: Hard to please.

Synonyms: Captious, Choosy, Critical, Dainty, Demanding, Difficult, Discriminating, Exacting, Finical, Finicky, Fussy, Hypercritical, Nice, Overnice, Particular, Persnickety, Picky, Queasy, Squeamish, Stickling, Punctilious, Hard To Please, Easily Disgusted, Fussbudgety, Overdelicate,

Antonyms: Indifferent, Indiscriminating, Uncouth, Uncritical, Undemanding, Unfussy, Uncareful,


Meaning: A measure of length, 6 feet.

Synonyms: Appreciate, Apprehend, Catch, Cognize, Comprehend, Dig, Divine, Estimate, Follow, Gauge, Get, Grasp, Have, Interpret, Know, Measure, Penetrate, Perceive, Pierce, Pinpoint, Plumb, Recognize, Savvy, Sound, Unravel, Probe, Figure Out,

Antonyms: Estimate, Guess, Lose, Misinterpret, Miss, Misunderstand, Neglect, Not Get,


Meaning: Idiotic

Synonyms: Absurd, Asinine, Brainless, Dense, Dull, Foolish, Idiotic, Imbecile, Inane, Insensate, Jerky, Ludicrous, Lunatic, Mad, Mindless, Moronic, Sappy, Silly, Simple, Vacuous, Witless, Birdbrained, Puerile, Boneheaded,

Antonyms: Aware, Bright, Intelligent, Keen, Sensible, Smart,


Meaning: Imperfect.

Synonyms: Adulterated, Amiss, Awry, Bad, Blamable, Broken, Cracked, Damaged, Debased, Defective, Deficient, Distorted, Erroneous, Fallacious, Fallible, False, Flawed, Frail, Impaired, Imperfect, Inaccurate, Inadequate, Incomplete, Inexact, Injured, Insufficient, Invalid, Lame, Leaky, Lemon, Maimed, Malformed, Malfunctioning, Rank, Sick, Tainted, Unfit, Unreliable, Unsound, Weak, Wrong, Below Par, Out Of Order,

Antonyms: Accurate, Adequate, Ample, Complete, Correct, Enough, Faultless, Fixed, Flawless, Honest, Ok, Perfect, Reliable, Right, Sound, Strong, Sufficient, True, Unbroken, Valid, Working,


Meaning: One of a class of deities of the woods and herds represented as half human, with goats feet.


Meaning: A young deer.

Synonyms: Yearling, Baby Buck, Baby Doe,

Antonyms: Deny, Fight, Force, Honor, Ignore, Refuse, Reject,


Meaning: Loyalty.

Synonyms: Constancy, Devotion, Divined, Duty, Faithfulness, Fidelity, Loyalty, Obligation,

Antonyms: Disloyalty, Faithlessness, Inconstancy, Treachery, Unsteadiness,


Meaning: That may be done, performed, or effected; practicable.

Synonyms: Achievable, Advantageous, Appropriate, Attainable, Beneficial, Breeze, Cinch, Expedient, Fit, Fitting, Likely, Performable, Pie, Practicable, Practical, Realizable, Reasonable, Snap, Suitable, Viable, Workable, Worthwhile, Pushover, Profitable, Probable, Duck Soup, Piece Of Cake, Simple As Abc, Easy As Pie,

Antonyms: Disadvantageous, Implausible, Impossible, Impractical, Improper, Inappropriate, Inconceivable, Unattainable, Unfeasible, Unfitting, Unhelpful, Unlikely, Unpractical, Unprofitable, Unreasonable, Unsuitable, Unworkable, Worthless,


Meaning: To league together.

Synonyms: Align, Confederate, League, Organize, Unite, Come Together, Join Together,

Antonyms: Divide, Separate,


Meaning: Any sham, pretense, or deceptive movement.

Synonyms: Artifice, Bait, Blind, Bluff, Cheat, Deceit, Distraction, Dodge, Duck, Expedient, Fake, Gambit, Hoax, Hoodwinking, Imposture, Maneuver, Play, Ploy, Ruse, Sham, Shift, Snare, Stall, Stratagem, Subterfuge, Trick, Wile, Pretext, Pretension, Mock Attack,

Antonyms: Frankness, Honesty, Openness, Reality, Truth, Truthfulness,


Meaning: To wish joy or happiness to, especially in view of a coming event.

Synonyms: Commend, Compliment, Praise, Recommend, Salute, Rejoice With, Wish Joy To,

Antonyms: Blame, Censure, Condemn, Criticize, Denounce, Disapprove, Reject,


Meaning: A state of well-founded happiness.

Synonyms: Bliss, Cheerfulness, Contentment, Delight, Ecstasy, Elation, Enjoyment, Euphoria, Exhilaration, Exuberance, Glee, Joviality, Joy, Jubilation, Merriment, Mirth, Pleasure, Rapture, Good Spirits,

Antonyms: Depression, Despair, Discouragement, Dislike, Displeasure, Dissatisfaction, Gloom, Hate, Hatred, Lack, Melancholy, Misery, Need, Pain, Sadness, Sorrow, Trouble, Unhappiness, Upset, Want, Woe, Worry,


Meaning: A criminal or depraved person.

Synonyms: Con, Convict, Delinquent, Jailbird, Lawbreaker, Loser, Malefactor, Offender, Outlaw, Lifer, Yardbird,

Antonyms: Police,


Meaning: Showing criminal or evil purpose.

Synonyms: Base, Corrupt, Evil, Illegal, Illicit, Lawbreaking, Villainous, Wrongful,


Meaning: One of the highest class of offenses, and punishable with death or imprisonment.

Synonyms: Arson, Assault, Burglary, Murder, Offense, Rape, Robbery, Violation, Wrongdoing, Foul Play, Criminal Offense,

Antonyms: Obedience,


Meaning: Characteristic of woman or womankind.

Synonyms: Dainty, Effeminate, Female, Ladylike, Soft, Tender, Womanish, Womanly,

Antonyms: Masculine, Rough,


Meaning: A place in which ferns are grown.


Meaning: Of a wild, fierce, and savage nature.

Synonyms: Barbarous, Bloodthirsty, Brutal, Brutish, Cruel, Fell, Feral, Fierce, Frightful, Grim, Implacable, Inhuman, Inhumane, Lupine, Merciless, Murderous, Pitiless, Predatory, Rapacious, Ravening, Ravenous, Relentless, Ruthless, Sanguinary, Savage, Tigerish, Truculent, Unmerciful, Unrestrained, Untamed, Vehement, Vicious, Voracious, Wild, Wolfish

Antonyms: Calm, Compassionate, Considerate, Gentle, Giving, Innocent, Kind, Merciful, Mild, Nice, Nonviolent, Pleasant, Satisfied, Sympathetic, Tame, Tender


Meaning: Savageness.

Synonyms: Barbarity, Bloodthirstiness, Brutality, Cruelty, Ferociousness, Murderousness, Savagery, Viciousness, Violence, Wildness,


Meaning: Ardent in feeling.

Synonyms: Animated, Ardent, Blazing, Burning, Butch, Devout, Eager, Earnest, Ecstatic, Emotional, Enthused, Excited, Fervid, Fiery, Glowing, Heartfelt, Hearty, Hot, Impassioned, Intense, Passionate, Perfervid, Pious, Religious, Responsive, Serious, Sincere, Tender, Unfeigned, Vehement, Warm, Wholehearted, Zealous, Gung Ho, Dying To, Warmhearted, Gotta Have,

Antonyms: Apathetic, Calm, Cold, Cool, Dispassionate, Dispirited, Dull, Frigid, Indifferent, Insincere, Irreligious, Unconcerned, Unenthusiastic, Unexcited,


Meaning: Intense.

Synonyms: Ardent, Impassioned,


Meaning: Ardor or intensity of feeling.

Synonyms: Animation, Ardency, Ardor, Devoutness, Eagerness, Earnestness, Fervency, Fire, Heartiness, Heat, Hurrah, Intensity, Jazz, Love, Oomph, Passion, Piety, Piousness, Religiousness, Seriousness, Sincerity, Solemnity, Vehemence, Warmth, Weakness, Wholeheartedness, Zeal, Zealousness,

Antonyms: Apathy, Coolness, Discouragement, Disinterest, Dullness, Indifference, Insincerity, Lethargy, Unimportance,


Meaning: Joyous.

Synonyms: Cheerful, Clubby, Companionable, Entertaining, Festive, Friendly, Gay, Genial, Happy, Hearty, Hilarious, Holiday, Jocund, Jolly, Jovial, Lively, Merry, Mirthful, Pleasant, Sociable, Vivacious, Conversible,

Antonyms: Apathetic, Blah, Depressed, Dull, Gloomy, Lethargic, Sad, Serious, Solemn, Staid, Unfriendly, Unhappy,


Meaning: Merry.

Synonyms: Blithe, Bouncy, Carnival, Cheery, Chipper, Chirpy, Convivial, Festal, Gala, Gay, Gleeful, Grooving, Happy, Hearty, Holiday, Jocund, Jolly, Jovial, Joyful, Joyous, Jubilant, Jumping, Lighthearted, Merry, Mirthful, Peppy, Perky, Rocking, Snappy, Swinging, Upbeat, Zippy, Juiced Up, Carnivalesque,

Antonyms: Apathetic, Depressed, Gloomy, Lethargic, Miserable, Sad, Serious, Somber, Sorrowful, Troubled, Undecorated, Unhappy, Upset,


Meaning: A festival or feast.

Synonyms: Ball, Banquet, Bazaar, Do, Fair, Festival, Fiesta, Gala,

Antonyms: Disregard, Forget, Ignore, Neglect,


Meaning: The young in the womb or in the egg.

Synonyms: Blastula, Embryo, Blastosphere, Developing Infant,


Meaning: Pertaining to the relation of lord and vassal.

Synonyms: Antediluvian, Antiquated, Antique, Archaic, Gothic, Old, Unenlightened, Primitive,

Antonyms: Current, Modern, New, Present,


Meaning: The feudal system.

Synonyms: Bondage, Captivity, Drudge, Drudgery, Enslavement, Enthrallment, Grind, Helotry, Indenture, Labor, Moil, Peonage, Restraint, Serfdom, Serfhood, Servitude, Subjection, Subjugation, Thrall, Thralldom, Toil, Vassalage, Work, Menial Labor, Chains Constraint,

Antonyms: Entertainment, Freedom, Fun, Independence, Mastery, Pastime,


Meaning: A brimless felt cap in the shape of a truncated cone, usually red with a black tassel.


Meaning: A complete or humiliating failure.

Synonyms: Abortion, Blunder, Breakdown, Debacle, Disaster, Embarrassment, Error, Failure, Farce, Flap, Flop, Mess, Miscarriage, Route, Ruin, Stunt, Washout, Dumb Trick, Dumb Thing To Do, Botched Situation,

Antonyms: Accomplishment, Achievement, Advantage, Benefit, Blessing, Boon, Miracle, Success, Triumph, Win, Wonder,


Meaning: Unduly changeable in feeling, judgment, or purpose.

Synonyms: Arbitrary, Capricious, Changeable, Cheating, Coquettish, Faithless, Fitful, Flighty, Frivolous, Inconstant, Irresolute, Mercurial, Mutable, Quicksilver, Sneaking, Temperamental, Ticklish, Unfaithful, Unpredictable, Unstable, Unsteady, Untrue, Variable, Volatile, Whimsical,

Antonyms: Aware, Cognizant, Constant, Faithful, Reliable, Stable, Steadfast, Steady,


Meaning: Created or formed by the imagination.


Meaning: Loyalty.

Synonyms: Allegiance, Ardor, Attachment, Constancy, Dependability, Devotedness, Devotion, Faith, Fealty, Integrity, Loyalty, Piety, Reliability, Staunchness, Steadfastness, Trustworthiness,

Antonyms: Disloyalty, Enmity, Faithlessness, Inconstancy, Infidelity, Lying, Nonconformity, Treachery, Unsteadiness, Vacillation, Wavering,


Meaning: Indicative of faith or trust.


Meaning: A landed estate held under feudal tenure.


Meaning: One who attempts to obstruct legislation.

Synonyms: Delay, Hindrance, Interference, Opposition, Postponement, Talkathon, Procrastination, Holding The Floor,

Antonyms: Advance, Aid, Assistance, Catalyst, Expedition, Help, Impetus, Incentive, Progression,


Meaning: Concluding performance.

Synonyms: Afterpiece, Button, Cessation, Chaser, Climax, Close, Closer, Conclusion, Consummation, Culmination, Denouement, End, Epilogue, Finis, Finish, Payoff, Peroration, Summation, Termination, Windup, End Piece, Swan Song, Last Act, Crowning Glory,

Antonyms: Beginning, Commencement, Debut, Initiation, Introduction, Opening, Start, First Act,


Meaning: The state or quality of being final or complete.

Synonyms: Certitude, Completeness, Decisiveness, Entirety, Finish, Inevitableness, Intactness, Integrity, Perfection, Resolution, Totality, Unavoidability, Wholeness, Decidedness, Irrevocability,

Antonyms: Continuity, Fraction, Incompleteness, Inconclusiveness, Indefiniteness, Part,


Meaning: At last.

Synonyms: Assuredly, Certainly, Completely, Conclusively, Convincingly, Decisively, Definitely, Determinately, Inexorably, Irrevocably, Lastly, Permanently, Settled, Done With, Enduringly, For Good, Inescapably, In Conclusion, Beyond Recall, Beyond Shadow Of Doubt, For All Time, For Ever, Past Regret, With Conviction,

Antonyms: Doubtfully, Dubiously, Inconclusively, Questionably,


Meaning: Monetary.


Meaning: One skilled in or occupied with financial affairs or operations.

Synonyms: Backer, Banker, Broker, Capitalist, Entrepreneur, Manipulator, Merchant, Money, Operator, Speculator, Sponsor, Stockbroker, Tycoon, Usurer, Santa Claus, Moneybags, Rich Person, Grubstaker, Staker, Fat Cat, Bankroller, Money Lender,


Meaning: That which is used to decorate the person or dress.

Synonyms: Apparel, Caparison, Decoration, Frippery, Gear, Regalia, Splendor, Suit, Trimmings, Trinkets, Full Dress, Formals, Sunday Best Trappings, Fancy Dress,

Antonyms: Rags,


Meaning: Subtle contrivance used to gain a point.

Synonyms: Acumen, Adeptness, Adroitness, Artfulness, Artifice, Bluff, Cleverness, Competence, Con, Craft, Craftiness, Cunning, Delicacy, Diplomacy, Discernment, Discretion, Feint, Gimmick, Guile, Polish, Quickness, Racket, Ruse, Savvy, Skill, Sophistication, Stratagem, Subtlety, Tact, Trick, Wile, Grift, Big Stick,

Antonyms: Frankness, Honesty, Ignorance, Inability, Incapability, Ineptness, Openness, Stupidity, Truthfulness,


Meaning: Limited.

Synonyms: Bound, Bounded, Circumscribed, Conditioned, Confined, Definable, Definite, Delimited, Demarcated, Determinate, Exact, Fixed, Limited, Precise, Restricted, Specific, Terminable,

Antonyms: Endless, Indefinite, Infinite, Interminable, Unfixed, Unlimited, Unrestricted,


Meaning: Pertaining to the treasury or public finances of a government.

Synonyms: Budgetary, Commercial, Economic, Financial, Money, Pecuniary, Pocket,


Meaning: One who sells fish.


Meaning: A crack or crack-like depression.

Synonyms: Cleavage, Cleft, Crack, Crevice, Hole,

Antonyms: Closure, Solid,


Meaning: Spasmodic.

Synonyms: Broken, Capricious, Catchy, Changeable, Desultory, Disturbed, Erratic, Flickering, Fluctuating, Haphazard, Impulsive, Inconstant, Intermittent, Interrupted, Periodic, Random, Recurrent, Restive, Restless, Shifting, Spasmodic, Spastic, Spotty, Unstable, Variable,

Antonyms: Constant, Continual, Continuous, Even, Regular, Undisturbed, Unvarying,


Meaning: One who or that which is expected to remain permanently in its position.

Synonyms: Accessory, Appendage, Appurtenance, Attachment, Component, Device, Equipment,


Meaning: The captain of a flag-ship.

Synonyms: Banderole, Banner, Bannerol, Burgee, Colors, Emblem, Ensign, Gonfalon, Jack, Pennon, Standard, Streamer,

Antonyms: Enhance, Grow, Improve, Increase, Rise, Strengthen, Win, Do Well,


Meaning: Openly scandalous.

Synonyms: Arrant, Atrocious, Awful, Bold, Brazen, Capital, Conspicuous, Crying, Disgraceful, Dreadful, Egregious, Enormous, Flaming, Flashy, Glaring, Gross, Heinous, Immodest, Infamous, Noticeable, Notorious, Obvious, Open, Ostentatious, Outrageous, Rank, Scandalous, Shameful, Shameless, Shocking, Striking, Undisguised, Wicked, Grody, Hanging Out,

Antonyms: Concealed, Disguised, Good, Hidden, Magnificent, Meek, Mild, Moral, Obscure, Respectable, Restrained, Secret, Shy, Timid, Wonderful,


Meaning: Characterized by extravagance and in general by want of good taste.

Synonyms: Baroque, Bombastic, Brilliant, Camp, Colorful, Dashing, Dazzling, Elaborate, Exciting, Flaky, Flaming, Flashy, Florid, Gassy, Gaudy, Glamorous, Jazzy, Luscious, Luxuriant, Ornate, Ostentatious, Resplendent, Rich, Rococo, Showy, Splashy, Sporty, Swank, Swashbuckling, Chichi, Pretentious, Peacockish,

Antonyms: Calm, Dull, Moderate, Modest, Plain, Restrained, Simple, Tasteful, Unflashy,


Meaning: Accumulation of gas in the stomach and bowels.

Synonyms: Babble, Boasting, Bombast, Claptrap, Fustian, Turgidity, Twaddle, Hot Air, Empty Talk, Windiness, Idle Words,


Meaning: The act of bending.

Synonyms: Bend, Corner, Crook, Crotch, Cusp, Decline, Divergence, Edge, Elbow, Flare, Flexure, Fork, Incline, Intersection, Knee, Nook, Notch, Obliquity, Point, Slant, Turn, Turning, Twist, V, Y, Dogleg,

Antonyms: Line, Stagnation,


Meaning: A young bird.


Meaning: Pliable.

Synonyms: Adjustable, Bending, Ductile, Elastic, Extensible, Extensile, Flexile, Formative, Impressionable, Limber, Lithe, Malleable, Moldable, Plastic, Pliant, Soft, Spongy, Springy, Stretch, Stretchable, Stretchy, Supple, Tensile, Tractable, Tractile, Whippy, Willowy, Yielding, Formable, Like Putty,

Antonyms: Brittle, Firm, Inflexible, Obstinate, Ornery, Resistant, Rigid, Stern, Stiff, Stubborn, Unaccommodating, Unadaptable, Unresponsive, Unyielding, Unbendable, Unpliable,


Meaning: Thin and weak.

Synonyms: Chiffon, Decrepit, Defective, Delicate, Diaphanous, Feeble, Fragile, Frail, Gauzy, Gossamer, Inadequate, Infirm, Insubstantial, Meager, Papery, Rickety, Shaky, Shallow, Sheer, Slapdash, Sleazy, Slight, Superficial, Tacky, Transparent, Unsound, Unsubstantial, Weak, Wobbly, House Of Cards,

Antonyms: Convincing, Firm, Healthy, Heavy, Plausible, Reasonable, Serious, Solid, Sound, Strong, Sturdy, Substantial, Thick, Tough,


Meaning: Having a light, pert, trifling disposition.

Synonyms: Brassy, Breezy, Cheeky, Cocky, Disrespectful, Flighty, Flip, Fresh, Frivolous, Glib, Impertinent, Impudent, Insolent, Nervy, Offhand, Pert, Playful, Rude, Sassy, Smart, Superficial, Lippy,

Antonyms: Courteous, Mannerly, Nice, Respectful, Reverent, Serious,


Meaning: A collection of tabular masses of floating polar ice.

Synonyms: Berg, Iceberg, Icecap, Ice Floe, Glacial Mass, Snow Slide,

Antonyms: Water,


Meaning: The aggregate of plants growing without cultivation in a district.

Synonyms: Plants, Vegetation, Verdure,


Meaning: Pertaining to flowers.

Synonyms: Blooming, Blossoming, Blossomy, Botanic, Decorative, Dendritic, Efflorescent, Flowery, Herbaceous, Sylvan, Verdant,


Meaning: Flushed with red.


Meaning: A dealer in flowers.


Meaning: To pass backward and forward irregularly from one state or degree to another.

Synonyms: Alter, Alternate, Flutter, Hesitate, Oscillate, Seesaw, Shift, Swing, Undulate, Vary, Veer, Vibrate, Wave, Waver, Be Undecided, Blow Hot And Cold, Ebb And Flow,

Antonyms: Continue, Hold, Persist, Remain, Stay,


Meaning: Frequent irregular change back and forth from one state or degree to another.

Synonyms: Change, Inconstancy, Variation,


Meaning: Having a ready or easy flow of words or ideas.

Synonyms: Chatty, Cogent, Copious, Cursive, Declamatory, Disputatious, Easy, Effortless, Effusive, Eloquent, Facile, Flowing, Garrulous, Glib, Liquid, Loquacious, Mellifluous, Natural, Persuasive, Quick, Ready, Running, Smooth, Talkative, Verbose, Vocal, Voluble, Wordy, Prompt, Mellifluent,

Antonyms: Hesitant, Inarticulate, Quiet, Unprepared, Effortful,


Meaning: Pertaining to streams.


Meaning: A state of constant movement, change, or renewal.

Synonyms: Alteration, Change, Flow, Fluctuation, Fluidity, Instability, Modification, Motion, Mutability, Mutation, Transition, Unrest,

Antonyms: Constancy, Rest, Stability, Stagnation, Steadiness,


Meaning: Obscure.


Meaning: A personal weakness or failing.

Synonyms: Characteristic, Defect, Eccentricity, Failing, Fault, Frailty, Idiosyncrasy, Infirmity, Kink, Mannerism, Oddity, Peculiarity, Quirk, Shortcoming, Singularity, Vice, Weakness, Weak Point,

Antonyms: Advantage, Normality, Perfection, Strength, Usualness, Strong Point,


Meaning: To palm off.

Synonyms: Impose, Sneak In, Pull A Fast One, Pass Off, Compel To Accept, Insert Fraudulently,


Meaning: Any growth of leaves.

Synonyms: Greenness, Growth, Herbage, Leafage, Umbrage, Vegetation, Verdure, Frondescence,


Meaning: A sheet of paper folded once, or of a size adapted to folding once.

Synonyms: Aajwa, Album, Bible, Booklet, Brochure, Compendium, Copy, Dictionary, Dissertation, Edition, Encyclopedia, Essay, Fiction, Handbook, Leaflet, Lexicon, Magazine, Manual, Monograph, Nonfiction, Novel, Omnibus, Opus, Pamphlet, Paperback, Periodical, Portfolio, Reader, Roll, Scroll, Speller, Text, Textbook, Thesaurus, Tome, Tract, Treatise, Volume, Work, Writing, Publication, Primer,

Antonyms: Letter, One, Part,


Meaning: The traditions, beliefs, and customs of the common people.

Synonyms: Ballad, Custom, Fable, Legend, Myth, Mythology, Superstition, Tradition, Wisdom, Mythos, Oral Literature,

Antonyms: Fact, Reality, Truth,


Meaning: To handle tenderly and lovingly.

Synonyms: Caress, Clutch, Cosset, Cuddle, Dandle, Embrace, Feel, Grab, Grope, Hug, Love, Neck, Nestle, Nuzzle, Pat, Paw, Pet, Snuggle, Squeeze, Stroke, Bear Hug, Play Footsie,

Antonyms: Disbelieve, Release, Let Go, Push Away,


Meaning: Folly.

Synonyms: Absurdity, Absurdness, Bunk, Claptrap, Craziness, Folly, Imprudence, Inanity, Indiscretion, Insanity, Insensibility, Irrationality, Irresponsibility, Ludicrousness, Lunacy, Mistake, Poppycock, Rubbish, Senselessness, Silliness, Stupidity, Tommyrot, Twaddle, Unreasonableness, Weakness, Witlessness, Impracticality, Preposterousness, Dumb Trick, Fool Trick, Horse Feathers,

Antonyms: Care, Carefulness, Caution, Circumspection, Judgment, Sense, Seriousness, Thoughtfulness, Wisdom, Wiseness, Prudence,


Meaning: A note of explanation or comment at the foot of a page or column.

Synonyms: Afterthought, Explanation, Reference,

Antonyms: Header,


Meaning: Dandyism.

Synonyms: Amenity, Decoration, Doodad, Extravagance, Flounce, Frippery, Fuss, Garbage, Garnish, Gathering, Gimcrack, Gingerbread, Jazz, Lace, Ruffle, Superfluity, Thing, Tuck, Fandangle,

Antonyms: Plainness,


Meaning: Characteristic of one who is unduly devoted to dress and the niceties of manners.

Synonyms: Dandified, Fashionable, Natty, Vain,


Meaning: Patient endurance or toleration of offenses.

Synonyms: Abstinence, Endurance, Fortitude, Longanimity, Moderation, Patience, Refraining, Resignation, Restraint, Temperance, Tolerance, Going Easy On, Living With,

Antonyms: Agitation, Continuation, Excess, Impatience, Indulgence, Intemperance, Intolerance, Involvement, Use, Wildness,


Meaning: Besides.


Meaning: Violent.

Synonyms: Active, Armed, Assertive, Coercive, Cogent, Compelling, Compulsory, Drastic, Effective, Efficient, Energetic, Forceful, Impressive, Intense, Mighty, Militant, Persuasive, Potent, Strong, Telling, Valid, Vehement, Vigorous, Violent, Weighty, Puissant,

Antonyms: Weak,


Meaning: A court opening directly from the street.


Meaning: To judge of before hearing evidence.

Synonyms: Decide, Presume,


Meaning: The extreme forward part of a ship's hold, under the lowest deck.


Meaning: That part of a shore uncovered at low tide.


Meaning: To be an omen or warning sign of, especially of evil.

Synonyms: Augur, Betoken, Bode, Divine, Forecast, Foresee, Foreshadow, Foretell, Foretoken, Forewarn, Indicate, Omen, Portend, Presage, Promise, Prognosticate, Premonish,


Meaning: To predict.

Synonyms: Anticipation, Augury, Budget, Calculation, Cast, Conjecture, Divination, Estimate, Foreknowledge, Foreseeing, Foresight, Foretelling, Forethought, Foretoken, Guess, Outlook, Planning, Precognition, Projection, Prognostication, Prophecy, Prognosis, Prevision, Prescience,

Antonyms: Hindsight, Ignorance, Thoughtlessness,


Meaning: That part of the upper deck of a ship forward of the after fore-shrouds.


Meaning: To bar by judicial proceedings the equitable right of a mortgagor to redeem property.

Synonyms: Bar, Deprive, Preclude, Prevent, Rule Out, Shut Out,

Antonyms: Allow,


Meaning: An ancestor.

Synonyms: Antecedent, Ascendant, Patriarch, Precursor, Predecessor, Progenitor, Procreator, Primogenitor,


Meaning: To deny oneself the pleasure or profit of.

Synonyms: Eschew, Forfeit, Forsake, Neglect, Pass, Precede, Quit, Refrain, Relinquish, Renounce, Sacrifice, Surrender, Waive, Yield,

Antonyms: Complete, Deny, Do, Finish, Refuse, Veto,


Meaning: That part of a landscape or picture situated or represented as nearest the spectator.

Synonyms: Beginning, Center, Focus, Fore, Forepart, Front, Lead, Limelight, Spearhead, Vanguard, On The Line,

Antonyms: Back, Background, Rear, Unimportance,


Meaning: The upper part of the face, between the eyes and the hair.

Synonyms: Front, Temples,


Meaning: Belonging to, situated in, or derived from another country.

Synonyms: Adopted, Alien, Alienated, Antipodal, Barbarian, Barbaric, Borrowed, Derived, Different, Distant, Estranged, Exiled, Exotic, Expatriate, External, Extraneous, Extrinsic, Far, Faraway, Immigrant, Imported, Inaccessible, Nonresident, Offshore, Outlandish, Outside, Overseas, Remote, Strange, Unaccustomed, Unexplored, Unfamiliar, Unknown, From Abroad, Nonnative, Not Domestic, Not Native, Transoceanic,

Antonyms: Characteristic, Familiar, Known, Local, National, Native, Regular, Relevant,


Meaning: A citizen of a foreign country.

Synonyms: Alien, Greenhorn, Immigrant, Incomer, Newcomer, Outlander, Outsider, Stranger, Fresh Off The Boat,

Antonyms: Citizen, Local, National, Native,


Meaning: Prescience.

Synonyms: Anticipation, Hunch, Precognition, Premonition, Prescience,


Meaning: The head man.

Synonyms: Boss, Executive, Head, Honcho, Manager, Overseer, Superintendent, Supervisor, Taskmaster, Pusher, Boss Man, Head Honcho, Slave Driver, Straw Boss, Big Brother, Head Man, Pit Boss,

Antonyms: Employee, Worker,


Meaning: To predetermine.

Synonyms: Destine, Foreshadow, Foretell, Prearrange, Predestine, Predetermine, Reserve, Preordain, Preform, Foredoom,


Meaning: Predestination.

Synonyms: Afterlife, Break, Breaks, Certainty, Circumstance, Conclusion, Condition, Constellation, Cup, Design, Doom, Expectation, Finality, Fortune, Future, Happenstance, Hereafter, Horoscope, Inevitability, Intent, Intention, Karma, Kismet, Lot, Luck, Objective, Ordinance, Portion, Predestination, Predetermination, Serendipity, World To Come, Prospect, Way The Ball Bounces, Way The Cookie Crumbles, Wheel Of Fortune, Course Of Events, Divine Decree, The Stars, What Is Written,

Antonyms: Choice, Concept, Continuity, Misfortune, Theory, Volition, Whole, Free Will,


Meaning: To go before as introducing or ushering in.

Synonyms: Augur, Forebode, Forecast, Foretell, Harbinger, Herald, Indicate, Portend, Predict, Signal, Signify, Presage, Foreshow,

Antonyms: Conceal, Hide, Refrain, Repress, Suppress, Withhold, Be Quiet, Keep Secret, Bottle Up,

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